Buttered Rosemary Rolls

Ever since I found out I was prego, I've been doing less cooking.  I really, really enjoyed cooking before because I was super good at it and everything came out tasting like Rachael Ray was actually living in my kitchen.  Now, I could mess up and overcook a pan of scrambled eggs.  I apparently don't understand time in relation to how long each item on the menu for a meal takes or how to cook two things at once. 

Don't get me wrong, when I do cook, everything can turn out really tasty, if I put all my effort and concentration into it or cook one item at a time.  The latter is unpractical and a waste of time, time I could be spending watching the Real Housewives.

Last night we made chicken covered in Thai Peanut Sauce from Pampered Chef (delicious and not something I would normally use but I think my buds are changing....like the time the only food made from ground beef they liked was taco meat and now they love cheeseburgers) on the grill with mashed potatoes, applesauce and Pioneer Woman's Butter Rosemary Rolls.  Healthy-ish.

Have you guys met The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond?  If not, you need to go promptly to her website and check her out.  You can thank me later. 

Ree is my kind of lady.  She doesn't cook with overpriced, hard to find, tastes like shit ingredients, but normal things you would find at your local supermarket.  She makes the kind of food that everyone loves.  It's hearty and probably not that great for you.  But if you're reasonably smart, you can always tweak the recipes. 

Anyways, back to the Rosemary Rolls.  Holy heaven!  Seriously, these babies are super delicious.  I've been meaning to make them for months now but every time I think to add them to the menu, I have about an hour to do so and the rolls need 3-5 to rise.  Moral of that story, think about these in the morning and give the yeast ample time to work it's magic. 

Dinner was delicious.  I was so wrapped up watching the chicken, that I didn't get the rolls started timely and thus all three items weren't ready at the same time.  The rolls were late to the party.  Then I was too wrapped up in making sure the rolls didn't burn and getting the potatoes done, that I let the chicken cook a little too long and was a wee bit dry.  Nothing that a little ranch couldn't cover up solve.

FYI:  I used Kosher Salt instead of Sea Salt and dried Rosemary instead of fresh because that's what I had.  Always use what you have...it'll save you lots of random trips to the grocery store.

1 comment :

  1. The Pioneer Woman's food always looks sooo good! I also really enjoyed reading her love story about how she met her husband.

    I would love to have you guest post on my blog, and any of the topics you mentioned would be great. When you get a chance, please write it up and email to me at rachelsgiveaways @ gmail.com. I'll be scheduling the guest posts for 4/21-5/2.


Thanks for the comment love!