
Happy Times

Three years ago today, I married this guy...

Three years should be some sort of milestone.  Just kidding, a milestone should be every year.  Like congratulations, you didn't kill each other this year survived yet another year together...oh, joy.

Yesterday, I had this conversation with my dear, dear husband:
Husband:  Do you have to run tonight and Wednesday?
Me: Yes, just like every other week.
Husband: Well Fred (coworker) and I might go golfing tomorrow night.  Just 9 holes.  Shouldn't take too long.
Me: Really?  Tomorrow night?...What is tomorrow Darren?
Husband: (Looooonnnnggggggggg pause.)  Oh right never mind.  Sorry honey.

Surely, he'll remember today...right?

If he didn't make me laugh everyday and was such a good daddy to our little girl, well I guess I wouldn't have married him.  Marriage is tough work.  It hasn't been a smooth, ride but we've managed.  We have our ups and our downs but in the end we figure things out with a little compromise, a lot of love and deep, deep breaths.

The very best part of our life together is this crazy, little thang:

I know, I know.  If we've got one thing right, it's making pretty babies.  She sure does rock our world.

Oh and at the stroke of midnight tonight, it will have been 3 years since my husband passed out face down in our honey moon suite leaving me to my own devices of removing my dress and taking out my hair...I mean he was tired from all that dancing and singing....NOT from any booze.  He barely drank at all.  HA!

Here's to another 3 years Barnballs!!

1 comment :

  1. Congratulations on 3 years! And my personal strategy is to start singing about or talking about anniversaries and birthday weeks before they happen, so that my husband doesn't have a chance of forgetting the date.


Thanks for the comment love!