Ben, The Bachelor is a Douche

I'm currently in the process of watching the overnight stay episode of The Bachelor.  

I know I'm a little behind and I know that Courtney wins but I just have to see how it plays out.  

I definitely need to watch the Women Tell All - always a good time.

I really didn't care who Ben picked and he's probably a match made in heaven for Courtney because they are both in love with themselves.  The other girls are just too good for him.

Plus, you really want to marry someone who looks like this??

This all I can think about when I look at Ben's face.  The saddest part about all of this is that Francine is much cuter and a bit more fun to watch on television.


  1. I love this post!! Women Tell All was good and the After the Final Rose was great too!

  2. LOL! Francine. I don't watch the show, but that cracked me up!


Thanks for the comment love!