Gone Fishing

You know the song, "I'm Gonna Miss Her" by Brad Paisley?  That song is true life.  Fishing is husbands favorite way to pass the time in the summer, aside from softball.  Seriously, if he had to choose marriage or fishing, we know what it would be.  This year, I actually bought a fishing license so that I could join him on occasion.  A few weeks ago, we met up with a couple of friends at the ol' fishing hole.  Jill and I talked while Quinn harassed Bailey and Barney and Matt caught stinkers.  I also wanted to see what the lean, mean, camera machine was made of and took some "nature shots".  I'm definitely not quitting my day job but I thought they were pretty.  Also, I'm in need of a zoom lens.


  1. Hi! Stopping by from Mingle! You're daughter's adorable, how old is she?

  2. Sooo pretty! And those shots of the babies are adorable!

  3. Aww we saw Brad Paisley in concert two weeks ago and he sang "I'm Gonna Miss Her".

    He's one of our favorites and so talented.


Thanks for the comment love!