10 Day YOU Challenge {Wants}

Seven wants:

Seeing a Yankees/Red Sox game at Yankee Stadium.  This year I will settle for a Yankees World Series Championship.

A pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.  Doesn't every girl?  Since the price of these are equivalent to my mortgage payment times five , I will probably never own a pair.  A girl can only dream.

A fancy pants camera.

A new pair of running shoes.

New TV storage for my living room with a lot of shelves for DVD's and books.

A family car with a big rear end to put all Quinn's goodies.  Plus, I would look really good in this car.

The Pioneer Woman cookbook.

What do you want?

1 comment :

  1. This is a want for my sweet hubby. It's the same as one of yours. : ) I love the new Jeep Grand Cherokee's. I want one for him. If I sat down and listed all the things I wanted we might be here all day. lol The Jeep is the big one right now.

    By the way, love those shoes!

    Found you from the Mingle Monday blog hop. Hop you can drop by my blog. Have a good week!

    Stlavonlady - The Best Beauty Tips, Tricks and Savings


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